VBC Manila vs Piotr Skurzyński

2024-02-12 02:56 vbcmanila to: p.l.skurzynski, mateusz.plewniak

Hello Brother Piotr,

You need to decide what you are planning to do. Before Verity Baptist Warsaw started, many New IFB Pastors warned me about you from when they met you. I was told that you did not seem to support the future church in Poland, you did not seem to respect me or Brother Mathaus and that you were trying to find a Pastor to ordain you before we came to Warsaw. Despite that, I believe in giving people a chance. In my head I thought “Well, Brother Piotr was very successful getting a following on YouTube and I’m sure the transition to being a normal church member is probably difficult.”. I also thought “Maybe there is a difference in culture or a slight language barrier where people’s thoughts might be misunderstood.”.

However, it’s clear that you are still not supportive of Verity Baptist Warsaw. Instead of respecting Brother Mathaus who is the ordained and proven leader of the church, you are criticizing his Polish because you have nothing else to criticize him about. The reason why nobody ordained you to be a Pastor is because of 1st Timothy 5:22 “22 Lay hands suddenly on no man, neither be partaker of other men's sins: keep thyself pure.”. Having a big YouTube following means very little to godly Pastors when they don’t know anything about you. You have to be a member of the church for several years to prove yourself.

I find it interesting that you support all of these churches https://bojwiary.pl/ and no longer support or promote our churches in the Philippines or in Poland. Do you realize that I have preached at all of those churches except the last 2? Do you realize that all of those Pastors would say they respect me as a Pastor and fully support my ordination as a Pastor? Do you realize they would all support the ordination of Brother Mathaus as an Evangelist? It's perfectly fine just being a church member. I’m sure you listened to the sermon I preached called “What We Need From Church Members at Verity Baptist Warsaw”. I’m also sure that you realize I was subtly trying to tell you to get on board with our church. I don’t need to write a longer email to show you what the Bible says because you already know what the Bible says.

You really have 3 options to decide from:

Option 1 – Stay a member and get on board with our church.

This is the option I hope you choose. You have a following on YouTube and you can be a big blessing to promote the church and the work in Poland. You have more experience soulwinning and preaching than the other members in Poland so of course that can be helpful. Poland is a large country and I can potentially see several churches started there in the next 5 years. Look, if you’re a proven and faithful church member after several years then you can potentially be ordained as an Evangelist also. But it starts with just being a faithful church member and accepting your role as just another one of the members of the church body.

Option 2 – Leave the church and go quietly

If you decide to leave the church and not try to attack us or criticize us or try to take church members with you then we will let you go quietly. If you do decide to take others with you or if you do decide to criticize us then you will put us in a difficult situation. As the Bible states, “18 If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men.”. However, if you try to tear down Verity Baptist Warsaw then we might have to defend ourselves.

Option 3 – Leave the church and try to take people with you

“Bitterness is like drinking poison and hoping the other person falls over dead.”. If you decide to choose this route then just realize that it will not benefit you and your family.

We realize that some people might be more loyal to you than Brother Mathaus since you have been in Poland longer. We realize that if you leave then some people might leave with you. We realize that if you decide to self-ordain yourself as an Evangelist then you might have more members than Verity Baptist Warsaw. That is fine. In the long run, Verity Baptist Warsaw will be more successful if we are united and we don’t have schisms in the church body.

This is an email I almost wrote before Verity Baptist Warsaw started but I decided to give you a chance. After you were very disrespectful about Verity Baptist Warsaw at the Missions Conference, I had decided to confront this issue before the church started. However, I decided to give you the benefit of the doubt and give you a chance.

James 3:14 “14 But if ye have bitter envying and strife in your hearts, glory not, and lie not against the truth.”. You know that you are bitter and angry about this in your heart. Don’t lie to yourself and act like your heart is right. You are only destroying yourself and those closest to you by having this attitude. You also don’t want to be like King Saul that gets right with God, then he is angry at David, then he gets right with God and then he is angry at David….

You have before Sunday February 18th to decide which of those 3 options you are going to do. If you decide on option 1 then you need to let me or Brother Mathaus know before Sunday. If you decide option 1 (which I hope you do) then you need to decide it not just outwardly but also in your heart. If you don’t decide it in your heart then the same issues will keep coming up which will only harm you.

Pastor Stucky

2024-02-13 12:02 p.l.skurzynski to: vbcmanila, mateusz.plewniak

I didn't believe in Brother Mathaüs coming to Poland. I expected it to be postponed again. Even though at first I was onboard with him coming to Poland, after hearing his preaching in polish on yt I was a bit shocked at how bad it was, and since his arrival was postponed and no one seemed to care about what was going on here, I decided that until he finally comes, I'll work as if he is not coming. After over a year of waiting, when I met with Brother Segura in Pforzheim I asked him if there is something more we could do while Brother Mathaüs may or may not come. He told me I could add preaching before going soulwinning, and that I might be an evangelist. So I started preaching which resulted in more people showing up for soulwinning, more people became talkers, and we started to get more salvations. I had a lot of people asking me about baptism that year as well, so after Brother Ian told me he won't come this time, in September *it was actualy August I wrote to FWBC and volunteered to be an evangelist. I hoped that I would finally be able to baptize those people. At first Pastor Anderson got my hopes up but then he turned me down and that was it. I came to the missions conference anyway, not only because I already had the tickets, but because I wanted to visit Faithful Word again with my wife, we have friends there, and we planned a trip to visit First Works and Hold Fast on the way. We met great people and we had a great time. I wanted to ask Pastor Anderson why he changed his mind about me, but I had a hard time starting that conversation, and I eventually didn't. It's not too uplifting to learn now that I was hated by many pastors as they assumed the worst things about me.

Your sermon against me wasn't subtle at all and it grieved me. Paul didn't pretend Apollos didn't exist and he didn't try to „subtly” get rid of him. He was acknowledged. I didn't do anything to deserve the treatment I got, so excuse me, but when you say you want me to stay, I find it hard to believe.

Brother Mathaüs is doing very poorly. It's shameful and I wanted to confront him about it for some time now. It's not easy to start a hard conversation and I didn't want to do it in front of everyone. Last Saturday I finally attempted to bring it up, but I didn't really get to say much, and here we are, so let me say this:

@Mathaüs, you can't lead a song, you can't lead people, you can't rent a place, you can't make a decent flyer (by the way, not only me, but many other church members could have helped you with those things if you had only asked), your sermons are lame, you constantly twist words while reading the scriptures, you seem clueless about what is going on here, and if anyone from outside would walk in to the service he would think it is a joke. We are only suffering through it because we do not have anywhere else to go to. Before you came I encouraged everyone to look past imperfections they may find, because we are on the same team working for the Lord. I truly hoped we were, but now I doubt it. I really tried to help you, but church is not something you turn into a laughingstock and pretend it's all good.

I know what qualifications one must meet to be a pastor, and I am well aware I do not meet all of them. And just so you know, I knew what they were from the first time I read the New Testament, unlike someone who after nine years of going to church was surprised that you don't become a pastor by just saying you want to be one. I would love to be just a church member and have someone capable take care of everything, I tried to leave Poland for the sole purpose of being a regular church member, but it seems I was not able to for a reason.

If I had promoted Verity Baptist Warsaw online there is a good chance a lot more people would show up. I wonder where they would fit... I didn't do it at first because I wanted to see who Mathaüs is first. Now I do not promote it because I do not want to offend new believers by having them suffer through those services. Since you act like you wish I didn't exist I can help you one last time and free up the space I occupied. It is a shame to watch you scatter that which the Lord has gathered, but I pray that God would solve this problem, and I trust that He will.

2024-02-14 15:05 p.l.skurzynski to: vbcmanila

Hello again Pastor Stucky.
I am now being asked what is going on, so I am responding that due to my disrespect for Brother Mathaüs you gave me an ultimatum and I chose to share my grievances with you and leave.

I guess you are right. I shouldn't come if I can't respect the leading guy. Not being a part of the church is not really an option, but I can't pretend I respect someone when I don't. Until last Saturday this was me doing my best not to be disrespectful and apparently I didn't do too good of a job. So like I said, I am out, at least until I think things through and figure out if I can somehow respect Brother Mathaüs, which won't be easy, since I truly believe that he is not treating his office with the respect it deserves, and I am not sure if I should ever be ok with that.

2024-02-21 18:00 p.l.skurzynski to: vbcmanila, mateusz.plewniak

Hello Pastor Stucky,
I have thought things through and I would like to be a part of the church despite everything I said. I realized I was wrong to ever think I am ready to be anything more than a regular church member. I was repeating the mistake of Uzzah by trying to fix things that do not belong to me, and I shouldn't have rebuked an elder. I am sorry. If you'll have me I would like to come back, sit at the back, and not be involved in anything except soulwinning.

2024-02-24 00:41 vbcmanila to: p.l.skurzynski, mateusz.plewniak

Brother Piotr,

When I wrote the initial email to you, the ideal scenario was that you would decide to get right and nobody would have to know about your insubordination. But your email was incredibly clear what you think of both myself and Brother Mathaus and how you do not respect either one of us. I don’t believe that is something that can be changed in such a short time. 2nd Corinthians 7:8-11 in regard to godly sorrow implies a long period of time has gone by to see a sincere change. At this time, we can’t allow you back as the unity in our local church is a very important aspect of a strong and healthy church regardless of whether the church is still small or if it becomes a much larger church.

Pastor Stucky

2024-02-24 09:10 p.l.skurzynski to: vbcmanila, mateusz.plewniak

In that case, when might I be allowed back?

P. S.
Wouldn't I have to be told something first and then disobey it in order to be insubordinate? @Mathäus: was there something you told me to do and I didn't do it?

2024-02-27 12:12 p.l.skurzynski to: vbcmanila, mateusz.plewniak

Lev 19:16-17
Thou shalt not go up and down as a talebearer among thy people: neither shalt thou stand against the blood of thy neighbour: I am the LORD. Thou shalt not hate thy brother in thine heart: thou shalt in any wise rebuke thy neighbour, and not suffer sin upon him.

Piotr Skurzyński:
As of April 29, 2024, the above emails are the only two messages I have ever received from the pastor of VBC Manila. Before that, we had never met, talked, or exchanged any other messages.

The evangelist from VBC Manila has naver told me that I did anything wrong, nor did any pastor who supposedly spoke evil of me.

All recorded communication between now evangelist from VBC Manila to Warsaw and Piotr Skurzyński up until April 29, 2024:
2019-02-11 21:12 mateusz.plewniak to: p.l.skurzynski

Hi Piotr,

In order to save time, I'll write you in English because my writing skills are very bad (native language is German). I have seen some of your sermons on Youtube and wonder, if you still have Sunday Service in Warsaw?
Now I am living in Denmark, where I have been sent as a Missionary from my church. However, I have left this church because they don't believe in OSAS, they are using modern Bible translations, have strange doctrine on baptizm and many other things. Instead of using the Romans Road they evengelize more like the "Ray-Comfort-style, discussing and such stuff. I really loved the people there, but now I wonder if many of them are even saved. I talked a lot with the Pastor about the doctrine - but no chance. He will not change anything. What God has given me into my heart is a wish to go back to Poland and win people to Christ. Between 2014 and 2017 I have been already in Katowice and especially in the last two years, after starting to listen to the NIFB sermons, many people got saved.

However, I really need to find some fellowship with true, saved, OSAS Bible believing, soul winning Christians. Plannning to move this summer to Wroclaw. You know very well, that the whole country is going to Hell. Even in Denmark are more born again believers than in Poland. However, the young people are quite receptive.

Would be really happy to hear, if there are some like minded baptist churches in Poland.

God bless you,

2019-02-12 12:21 p.l.skurzynski to: mateusz.plewniak

Cześć Mateuszu,

It is hard to find believers, let alone churches. Your story sounds a little familiar. I had a hard time finding a church here, in fact, I haven't found one. The best thing I came across was a "missionary" from the US, he asked me to preach at his "church" and that is probably what you saw, but he supported too much of weird stuff for me to handle (like "Born that way after all") so we had to part ways, and this was the only place I found that used the right Bible, but we were the only members anyway... so I do not think that there is a church to go to in Poland.

I know of a brother in Wroclaw, we do some evangelizing from time to time so maybe I could help you with that, but as far as churches go it is a barren ground.

2019-02-12 21:32 mateusz.plewniak to: p.l.skurzynski

Thanks for your answer. Once I will be in Wroclaw, I'll contact you again regarding the brother. You also may tell him of me. Now I am even more motivated to go to Poland. Since there is no good church, someone must found one. Eventhough I am not yet qualified as a pastor, there is no reason why not going out a lot soul winning, gathering some people and with the time God will send someone to help developing it.